Recently I accessed TED website ( which is a platform spreading great ideas from around the world and from all walks of life. After watching some videos, one of them caught my eye and it was about a women called Shameem Akhtar from Pakistan. The title of the video is “To learn is to be free”.
She narrated some experiences of past struggles when she wanted to attend school. She grew up in a time and place where women were not absolutely allowed to be educated given that women’s role was limited. Women used to spend most of their time at home doing domestic work and raising children. But Shameem was the exception of the rule. Thanks to one of her male relative who received higher education convinced Shameem's family to send her to school. It was not easy given that she had to assume a new identity, she had to pose as a boy. By doing that, she was able to go to school in contrast to many girls from her town.
She felt free when she started to learn more and more. All those who had the opportunity to be educated have experienced the same. Education is more than a valuable and useful tool to face the life, it implies rights and ensures a higher degree of freedom and independence. Let all people be educated or contribute with your grain of salt to those who need education.
If you want to watch Shameem’s story, just click this link.